Hospice Services of Lake County

Providing hope, quality of life and compassionate care in our community for over 40 years

Sooner is Better

Patients get the most benefit from hospice support when hospice is called early.
 Call today to see how you or your loved one might benefit from hospice care.
707-263-6222 or 1-800-900-8820

Spiritual Care

 Our organization cares for body, mind, and spirit – that intangible spark that makes you, you – the special way you draw meaning from your existence and the important relationships in your life.  For some, that involves faith, religious practice, or cultural tradition, but it doesn’t have to.

Whatever your belief system or cultural tradition may be – whether you consider yourself to be religious or not – our Chaplain is here to support you in caring for your spiritual need or helping you connect with a faith leader representing your religious beliefs. Here at Hospice Services of Lake County, we understand those entrusted to our care come from diverse cultural, spiritual, and social backgrounds. The Chaplain helps our patients and families explore spiritual distress or unmet spiritual needs and will remain available to offer counsel and consultation. Our Chaplain is trained to assess the individual’s needs and to meet each person where they are.  It is the role of the Chaplain to actively listen and comfort the people served by guiding them through their own questions and emotions, offering insight and inspiration when needed.  Providing a safe space for reflection, introspection and self-realization while understanding everyone’s end-of-life experience is unique. Above all, the aim of Spiritual Care at Hospice Services of Lake County is to help patients and families find their own comfort and peace, and to provide the comprehensive support they need to make the most of their time together.

“Concerns about faith, meaning and forgiveness are common to us all.  We are available to act as a listening ear and a peaceful presence during this time.”  

Chaplain Rick Barnes

Hospice Services of Lake County & Lake Palliative Care